Thursday, February 15, 2007

I just realized I haven't posted since January 12th. As you can see I'm a horrible procrastinator. I'm not even sure what I've done since the last time I was on here. I have figured out a design for my knitted restraints but haven't found the right yarn yet to do them. I've been thinking a good cotton that isn't even a little bit stretchy. I need something that is very stable and will keep its shape. Since I haven't been to the LYS lately I haven't found something that qualifies. I don't want to order anything online because I want to feel it before I use it, if you see what I mean! :-)

On other fronts, I started a halter top from a stash yarn I got from eBay. I couldn't find a pattern I liked so I'm just winging it. I'm a 38 D and even using a strapless bra it is difficult to find a halter or tank top that covers my bra. I know what you are thinking... Don't wear a bra then... but when you are my size and age and have had three children you can't go braless! lmao At least not if you are even a little bit modest/self-conscious anyway! I know there are some women out there who have perky boobs but I'm not one of them even before I had the kids. So I have been making the halter so it will cover up a specific strapless bra. I used the bra that covers the most skin so even if I use a different bra with it it will still cover. I haven't taken any picks yet. As soon as I get it done I'll put up pics.

Other than that I haven't been doing much other than laundry. There has been plenty of that lately to fill up the days. I can't believe the amount of clothes my family can go through in a week. It is totally unreal.

This week has been horrible. We had a big snowstorm and school has been out since Tuesday. Since they were already off on Friday that means that I will have been stuck here for SIX days with my kids. It wouldn't be so bad if they could go outside to play but one of the twins is sick and I have to stay inside with her so the other can't go outside cuz she's too little and I can't trust her older brother to keep track of her. He'd lose his head if it wasn't attached much less his sister! :-p So here we are, I get to go to work tomorrow... YIPPEE! After work I'm meeting my friend and we are going to a scrapbooking crop to support Breast Cancer Research. So at least I will get some time away this week.

One last thought before I go, yesterday I saw an article on Yahoo! about a coin in a British museum that shows Cleopatra and Marc Antony on it. The article was talking about how looking at the coin shows that Cleopatra was not a beautiful woman and that the idea that she was a beautiful woman is a common misconception that is relatively modern. Did anyone else see that article? The reason I bring it up is because I was not only fascinated by it but also offended in the extreme. How arrogant is it to judge a woman who existed over 2000 years ago by our standards of beauty? Also, why exactly does it matter what she looked like? What really annoyed me though was that the author seemed to be wondering how a woman with those physical "flaws" could be considered one of the most sensual, charismatic women of her time and end up such a legendary figure in history. Since when does a person have to be a supermodel to be considered charismatic and sensual and what kind of world do we live in that to be an important part of history a woman has to be physically beautiful? Winston Churchill wasn't pretty but you don't see articles devoted to his physical flaws do you?

Now that I have that off my chest I'm going to go knit some more on my halter or maybe I will get things together for the scrapbooking thing tomorrow. Who knows? I may just watch some cartoons with my kids. ;-)

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