Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mystery Stole #2

I joined the Mystery Stole #2 KAL... I've got one test swatch done. I'm using handpaintedyarns laceweight in Emerald. I've swatched it on #4 addi's but I'm not sure if I like it that loose so I'm gonna try size 3s just to be sure.

Other than that, I've managed to damage myself AGAIN! I swear, I'm the biggest klutz on the planet. I was combing my hair (seriously), dropped the comb and stabbed myself in the eye causing a corneal abrasion. It feels like I've got a small boulder stuck in the center of my eye... Luckily, the eye doctor said that as long as I don't get an infection it should heal just fine. At the moment, I can't drive but I can knit (slowly) with only one good eye. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!