Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dinner Last Night

Bart has been working overtime for the last week as the plant has been in shutdown. He did manage to take me out to dinner Friday night and to the movies (we saw Talladega Nights, hilarious movie BTW) and while waiting for the movie talked me into going into a store I normally wouldn't have considered. You know, one of those stores where the average teenage girl who shops there is a size 1... I'm sure you've seen them. He then talked me into buying three tops, although I was excited to see that if I manage to go down one more size (I've lost 40 pounds since March 2005) I could fit into their LARGEST size of pants. How ego busting is that?

Anyway, last night some of the contractors working with Bart to fix the kiln and whatever it is they do out there, invited us to dinner last night since it was his last night here. You can see him (Dave) pictured here with me in one of my new tops. Doesn't look bad for a mother of three if I do say so myself (and I do, dammit!) Of course, I was highly disappointed that Dave had shaved off his beard right before coming to meet us. I really like Dave's great big bushy beard but I guess 100+ degree weather is a bad time to be growing a bush on your face! ;-)

I threatened him that I was going to post this picture and shamelessly promote his company to all my knitting friends. He laughed at me. So here I go, if anyone out there in knitting land is in need of a precipitator on an industrial scale (not sure exactly how to describe what it is they do) then I would highly recommend Neundorfer out of Ohio. They are a family business and from what Bart tells me pretty much the only ones in the country who do what they do... plus they are all very very nice people. LOVE THEM!!

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