Well, I haven't been on all week. I've been doing the whole mommy freakout thing. The twins officially started preschool yesterday. It has been a very hard week for me. Tuesday we went to the preschool open house "Meet the Teacher" night. The girls LOVED it and were very excited to be going to school soon. I, on the other hand, was talking to the teacher and she asked if they were potty trained (which they are) but then said that if they had accidents the school would call me to come get them, state guidelines do not allow the teachers to clean them up apparently, and if it happened more than once or twice then they would kick them out of preschool.
Of course, all I could think all week was "Madelyn is going to get kicked out of preschool and then what do I do? Do I keep Caitlyn home too or let her go by herself? Should she be punished because Madelyn had a problem?" Madelyn is potty trained but she has some issues. One-- she has a hard time wiping properly. Two-- she thinks she has to be buck naked to go to the bathroom and then needs help putting her clothes back on which is another thing the teacher isn't allowed to help the child do. Three-- she is very much a prima donna and feels that all bowel movements should be properly appreciated and exclaimed over (usually with a "Yay, Madelyn") after she has announced it to the world.
Besides that, everything was okay. David started school on Wednesday, the girls will be going Mondays and Fridays so their first day was yesterday. I got up WAY to early because I couldn't sleep. I then got them up WAY to early. So by the time we were ready for school we still have 45 minutes to wait for the bus. The first thing Madelyn said when I woke them up was "But Mommy, it's still DARK outside." The first thing Caitlyn said when we finally went outside to wait for the bus was "Oh gosh Mommy, the sun is to sunshiny... it's to bright, can we go back inside?" This on a rainy day... (sigh) my beautiful little vampire.
When the bus came I was fine. David helped the girls get on and to the seat. I, of course, was taking pictures and waving and giving kisses and hugs. Generally driving all three of my children insane. As the bus drove away, I started sobbing hysterically and Bart, who had told work he'd be in late supposedly to help me get them ready for school and generally be a supportive husband, just looked at me and laughed. Humph! Horrible man! I told him to go away. He, while still laughing, asked me "Are you sure you're okay?" I said of course I'm fine now go away. So he did. Again, horrible man.
I went to my friend's house and we went to get breakfast together. I went home and cried for about an hour more, got ready and went to work, was like a cat on a hot tin roof waiting for the school to call and tell me to come get my girls (mostly Madelyn to be honest) but it didn't happen. Then I went home and waited anxiously for the bus to come home. They got off the bus none the worse for wear and didn't appear to have noticed that they had been away from me. Although Caitlyn did tell me she came home because she loved me. Awwww. Tears again.
Then I saw that Caitlyn had a stamp on her hand, for being good and not getting into trouble all day. Madelyn ducked her head and said "I didn't get a stamp Mommy." And why didn't my beautiful child get a good girl stamp? She was fighting with the other kids over toys. (sigh) I just know she's gonna get kicked out. :-)
OTN: In the middle of all of this, I cast on for my tank top in Elann's Sonata, I'm doing it in the round. After about 4 inches I realized I had twisted the stitches and had to rip it out. So I cast on again and did the same thing. What can I say? I was distracted. Maybe I should do it flat instead. lol
Michelle Mabry
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