Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Knitting (or not)

Well, I have to confess that I haven't done much knitting lately. I have lots and lots of yarn, lots and lots of things I WANT to knit but it seems like every time I start a project something comes up. SOOOO, I think I should change this blog from a knitting blog (which I obviously haven't been doing much of) to a whatever-the-heck-I-happen-to-be-doing-at-this-moment blog. I think I might even add in a link to a book of the week/month with a review by moi. I love to read and I do a lot of it so I might as well tell everyone what I think of the books I'm reading and help them choose a good read or avoid a truly bad one, right? Of course, this is all based on the assumption that someone is actually reading the crap that is pouring out of my mind onto this blog page!

Tune in tomorrow for an update of my online college experience... Oooh, what fascinating stuff that will be!! lmao

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.